Thiragabadara Saami Movie iBomma 2024 Review Details

Thiragabadara Saami Movie iBomma 2024 Review Details
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Thiragabadara Saami Movie Review


“Thiragabadara Saami,” directed by A.S. Ravi Kumar Chowdary, features Raj Tarun, Malvi Malhotra, Mannara Chopra, and Makrand Deshpande in key roles. The film’s central theme revolves around Giri, a man dedicated to reuniting missing people with their families. However, his journey takes a dramatic turn when he faces off against a powerful crime boss.

Storyline and Plot

The narrative follows Giri’s quest to help missing persons, which takes a thrilling turn when he encounters Jahirabadkar Kondareddy, a notorious crime boss. The plot attempts to combine drama and action but falls into predictable patterns, struggling with an outdated storyline.

Cinematography Techniques

The cinematography in “Thiragabadara Saami” showcases some intriguing techniques, though they don’t fully compensate for the film’s shortcomings. The use of wide-angle shots effectively captures the grandeur of certain action sequences. However, the framing and composition often lack the polish seen in top-tier productions. The film’s color palette and lighting choices, while visually appealing at times, sometimes fail to enhance the emotional tone of the scenes.

Visual Effects Breakdown

The visual effects in “Thiragabadara Saami” contribute to its action sequences but are not groundbreaking. The effects work well to accentuate the film’s dramatic moments, yet they fall short of industry standards in terms of seamless integration. The CGI used in some scenes is noticeable and detracts from the overall immersion. Although the visual effects serve their purpose, they lack the finesse required to elevate the film to a higher technical level.

Comparison with Industry Standards

When compared to current industry standards, “Thiragabadara Saami” does not quite measure up. Modern films often feature more sophisticated cinematography and visual effects. This film’s visual aspects, while competent, do not display the innovation or technical excellence seen in recent successful releases. The film’s production values are competent but not exceptional, reflecting a need for more creative and technical investment.

Technical Awards Potential

Given its current technical execution, “Thiragabadara Saami” is unlikely to make significant strides in technical award categories. The film’s cinematography and visual effects, while functional, lack the standout quality needed to compete in categories such as Best Cinematography. For a film to gain traction in technical awards, it must showcase exceptional visual artistry and technical skill, areas where this film, unfortunately, does not excel.

Character Development and Performances

Raj Tarun

Raj Tarun plays Giri, the protagonist who aids missing persons. While his performance is decent, it lacks the depth needed to fully engage the audience. His interactions with Malvi Malhotra add some charm but fall short in delivering emotional impact.

Malvi Malhotra

Malvi Malhotra, making her Telugu debut, portrays Sailaja, a devoted fan of Balakrishna. Her performance stands out as one of the film’s strengths, providing a fresh and engaging presence on screen.

Makrand Deshpande

Makrand Deshpande plays the antagonist, Jahirabadkar Kondareddy. His portrayal of the crime boss is intense and compelling, although some critics have found his performance to be excessively dramatic.

Screenplay Quality

The screenplay of “Thiragabadara Saami” suffers from predictability and a lack of originality. The dialogue fails to add significant depth to the characters and often relies on clichés. The screenplay’s shortcomings contribute to the film’s overall uninspired feel, impacting the audience’s engagement.

Genre Comparison

Compared to other recent films in the drama-action genre, “Thiragabadara Saami” feels outdated. The film’s execution lacks the freshness and excitement seen in contemporary releases. It struggles to stand out amidst a crowded genre that increasingly demands innovative storytelling and execution.

Box Office Performance

The film has experienced a modest performance at the box office. Its weak critical reception and lack of strong audience engagement have limited its commercial success. This reflects the film’s struggle to leave a lasting impact in a competitive market.


Q: What is the main plot of “Thiragabadara Saami”?

A: The film follows Giri, who helps locate missing people but faces a dramatic challenge when encountering a powerful crime boss.

Q: Who stars in the lead roles?

A: Raj Tarun and Malvi Malhotra lead the cast, with Makrand Deshpande playing the antagonist.

Q: How is the cinematography in the film?

A: The cinematography includes some effective wide-angle shots but lacks the polish seen in top-tier productions.

Q: Are the visual effects noteworthy?

A: The visual effects are functional but fall short of industry standards, lacking seamless integration and finesse.

Q: Does the film have potential for technical awards?

A: Given its current technical execution, the film is unlikely to excel in technical award categories.

Rating Table

Visual Effects2/5

Disclaimer: Star ratings may vary.


“Thiragabadara Saami” attempts to deliver an engaging drama-action film but falls short in several key areas. While the performances of Raj Tarun and Malvi Malhotra provide some merit, the film’s predictable plot and underwhelming technical execution detract from its overall impact. The cinematography and visual effects, while functional, do not reach the high standards required for critical acclaim. For viewers seeking a fresh take on the genre, this film may not fully satisfy, but it offers some value for those interested in its core premise.

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